The knot sequence is obtained by applying aptknt to an appropriate subsequence of x. Note: the knots are computed in a separate algorithm and should be used for the interpolator, getting a good fit is not the question here. spap2(l,k,x,y), with l a positive integer, returns the B-form of a least-squares spline approximant, but with the knot sequence chosen for you. I am stuck with this, unable to see where is the problem with this data sample. but here the result is completely erroneous. I don't expect a nice fit, but at least the spline fit sticks with the knots.

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If you only want to get a cubic spline approximation consisting of l polynomial pieces, use instead sp spap2 (l,4,x,y) If the resulting approximation is not satisfactory, try using a larger l.
The code is quite simple, I cannot figure out what is the problem: spgood = spap2(knots_zY, 4, ec, Y) The actual data is the blue curve, red circles are the knots I am using and yellow curve is the display of the cubic spline curve. I encounter strange results from spap2 on some data: